Good Morning Friends, grab your coffee and come on in and let's chat for a moment. As Justin Wilson used to say "How yaw are"?
It has been an extremely busy the last few days. There are so many things going on this week, I feel as if I am running ahead of that freight train again. It is so hard to write something and come back later and pick up where your thoughts were, I am going to give it a try. In my last post I was describing the ocean and it's attributes. As I said before this is one of my most favorite places in the world to be (sitting and gazing at the ocean). I do not know why, but it draws me and refreshes me. I have read some where in my studies that the ocean and the winds work together and they balance out the ions and that somewhat improves the overall sense of well being. Well, I am not a scientist however, I know that I feel so much better when I am around the ocean (if only I could bottle that feeling up and bring it home with me). In this post I would like to contrast the ocean with life. I will still be breaking this up into a few segments because I would like to use life analogies along with spiritual analogies. Thanks ahead of time for bearing with me while I try to reign in my thoughts and present them in a way that you can understand.
One of the first analogies that I recognize about the ocean is the tides. How they come and go, day after day. They come in and they go out and it is such a subtle change that we do not even realize it is happening until we have to move our chairs and towels up, or we look out and it looks like we are a mile from the water.
That's how life can be. It just happens. It seems that we too have our cycles like the tide. Sometimes we are up, sometimes we are down, some days are great, some days are not so great, sometimes there is sorrow and trouble, sometimes there is happiness and joy.
I do not think that King Solomon was thinking of the ocean when he penned Ecclesiastes 3, to everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under heaven (he was probably thinking more in terms of seasons and one day I will write about that) but for today's purpose I will be using the waxing and waning of the tides.
There are times when the tide is a gentle as can be, for an example, when at the beach this year, the ocean was the calmest I have ever seen. When you gazed upon the water it seemed to be almost as calm as the water on a lake in the evening time when all the boaters have went home. Almost like a sea of glass, it is so smooth. Other times it can be so rough and stormy with the waves crashing loudly and violently onto shore.
How much so can our lives moment calm, serene, peaceful only to give rise not even with a moments notice to be rough, stormy, violently in turmoil, as if all of life is crashing in on you and you do not know where it came from and so unsure of how you are going to get through.
I think of time like these as a time of testing, a time of growth a time that calls you into action. What you might ask am I being tested for? I think it is a time of testing to see what is inside of you, what you are made of. A trial by fire. Like a Master Gold Smith, heating the gold until the dross (the nasty stuff) surfaces, so that it can be disposed of, (a process that is repeated) until there is nothing left but purity, shining brilliantly, showing forth it's beauty to be crafted into something that is of value...
Meditate on that thought friends, and if you want leave comments on your thoughts as well. I will expound more tomorrow but until then...Add a little randomness to your life : )
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