
to my blog where everything is random.
There is no telling what you might find here
but I promise you it will be clean, fun, sometimes serious.

Friday, September 24, 2010


Good Morning Everybody, grab your coffee and come on in and let's chat a while. Today is Friday, wow this week sure did pass quickly. I feel like I have been running in front of a freight train (hehe, it hasn't hit me yet). I love rising early and watching the sunrise, what about you? This is God's time (of course all time is God's time). Sunrises are the promise of a brand new day. How refreshing it is to know that with each sunrise we have another day to do things right. God tells us in his word that his mercies are renewed each day. So with each sunrise, we start out with a clean slate, a chance to go out into the world and to make a difference. Before we start our journey, let's take a little time to reflect on our blessings and the grace that has been bestowed upon us by our heavenly father. Just in the sunrise alone I am captured by the awesome beauty that is before me, the sheer magnificence and splendor of the colors and the brightness as the sun peeks it's shining head over the edge of the horizon until it hangs above in it's full splendor. The colors of the trees, and grass, and how the shadows  are cast down from the mountains as I watch life spring forth from the darkness of the night past. The birds waking up with their song "a new day, a new day" and the chatter of the creatures of the day as they arise to preform their purpose without question. My heart is captivated and filled with awe that God puts the finest touches on all things and gives them to us that we can all enjoy (that is if we remember to take the time to be unbusy). I am also in awe how the very nature that we see with our own eyes  can be correlated to our relationship with the Lord, how that when he arises within our own hearts and lives we can see him in his full splendor and see our own lives spring forth as he cast down the shadows from the darkness of nights past when we were not in relationship with him. How we then are a light that shines forth from a city on a hill. Wow, what an awesome God, a loving God, a God who loves us enough to show his  beauty in Sonrises. Thank you Lord for your magnificent creation, thank you for each refreshing new day you give us, thank you for showing us in your creation how much you love us and care for us and how beautiful you are, how beautiful you think that we are. Thank you for renewed mercies and as we begin our day, let us be mindful of this mornings reflection and shine forth you and your glory throughout our day, let us be mindful to be merciful to others, and let's us share the wonder of you love. We thank you and we love you, in Jesus name.
Well friends, it's that time again, and I want to thank you for taking the time to let me share with you my heart.   Until next time, don't forget to fill your day with a little randomness.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Bev. I enjoyed reading your blog. It is so eloquently written it helps one to actually visualize what you're speaking of. It is also a reminder that the earth and the fullness thereof is the Lords. Heaven on earth indeed!! Have a blessed rest of the day=)
