
to my blog where everything is random.
There is no telling what you might find here
but I promise you it will be clean, fun, sometimes serious.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

The Sounds of Saturday

Good Morning Friends,
Get your coffee and come on in and let's chat for a moment. 
MMMmmmm, a good morning to drink a nice cup of coffee goodness.
I am sitting here by the fire this morning drinking my coffee, spongebob is in the background and my grandson Lucas is between playing and climbing up on my lap.
Pawpaw is about to leave for work and the day begins. I love Saturdays. Just being able to lay back for a moment and take things at a slower pace. How do you all like to spend your Saturday's ? What are the sounds that make you smile?
Well time to go for now, you all enjoy your day and as always, don't forget to add a little randomness in you life :)

Friday, December 10, 2010


Good Morning friends, 
Grab your coffee and come on in and let's chat for a moment.
Yesterday we talked about Extravagant Love. Today I want to say something about the Extraordinary. 
How extraordinary it would be if we lived a life of extravagant love.
Extraordinary calls us to rise above the mundane, the ordinary into a place that goes beyond what is mundane, what is ordinary.
Think of how much your life would change if you dared to do all within the bounds of extraordinary, all the possibilities that are available in the extraordinary, nothing is out of reach, everything is in your reach for the grasping.  Do we dare to throw caution out to the wind and reach for the impossible? After all nothing is impossible with Christ who strengthens us.  I love the verse:   
Pro 13:12  Hope deferred maketh the heart sick; But when the desire cometh, it is a tree of life.
What are the things that you hope for, how have they been deferred, what do you desire? Many times I have hoped for things that did not materialize, how sick I became in my heart. What if by chance, instead of just hoping, I would have put forth a plan of action to do all that I could to make it happen.  Do we sometimes sit on the sidelines, waiting, praying that the Lord will make our hopes come forth?  Hmmmm, if I think about this a little deeper, I realize God is a God of action, many times in the word He says he will do....if we do....
Something to think about.
Well my time is up for now friends, reach out today and do something extraordinary, and as always add a little randomness in you life :)

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Extravagant Love

Good Morning Friends
Come on in and bring your coffee and let's chat a few moments. It's been a while since I have blogged. So much is going on, I am finishing up fall semester (I should be writing my paper, Oh, well). I just wanted to share with you all this morning something on my heart.  
Extravagant Love.  What an awesome word extravagant. To go over board, beyond, more than what is required or deserved. Hmmm, 
That is how the Lord loves us, extravagantly. 
The message bible says in Ephesians chapter five that Christ love was not cautious but extravagant. He didn't love in order to get something from us, but to give everything of himself to us. LOVE like that. 
Wow!!! What awesome wording.  I heard an old addage the other day that you can't give what you have never been given. I pray today that with the extravagant love that has been given to me by my Lord Jesus Christ that I will in turn give that extravagant love to others so that they will know the love of Christ.

Thanks for stopping by today and as always, add a little randomness into your life.
