
to my blog where everything is random.
There is no telling what you might find here
but I promise you it will be clean, fun, sometimes serious.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Sleepless, but not in Seatle

Good Morning Everyone! Coffee is a much needed treat this morning. Don't you just love those nights when you toss and turn and no matter what you do you end up sitting in the dark (because you do not want to wake everyone). Last night was one of those nights for me. So, I got up, sat in the living room in the dark. I finally turned on my laptop, read the news played some bejeweled (one of my favorite games) and talked with a friend who could not sleep either. She is having surgery today (let's all remember June in your prayers).
There is not a lot to do in the middle of the night hours. One benefit is that it is so quiet, all you here is the whirring sound of the fridge and ceiling fans, the soft snoring of my dogs and hubby. Every once in a while a car going down the road, then around five o clock in the morning the neighborhood starts coming to life, house lights come on, cars are moving regularly and then I am ready to go back to bed. Well, that will be later on tonight. I am a morning person who has to bite the bullet and stay up so that I can get all my work done. I will crash tonight (hopefully early).
Well it's time to get off here and get busy on this beautiful and hot Carolina day, until next time, fill your day with a little randomness.
PS, if you have a moment, share with us how you spend sleepless nights.

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